Sunday, January 02, 2011

A Different Light

I'm seeing this world in a different light.

Thanks to Sigmung Freud.

Complexity of human's mind is not to be undermined.

What are the thoughts or emotions hidden in the unconscious of a person? Why do they want to repress such thoughts? Will I ever know? No. Because I'm not a psychoanalyst. Believe even psychoanalysts have their bottleneck at times.

Anyway, I'm intrigued by this "Memory Palace" technique. Interested parties can google it. Basically it is said to be the best technique used for memorizing. I'm trying to self-attained this. Okay, maybe I havent been using my brain in quite a while that's why I am trying to maximize the capacity of my brain.

Well, report showed that there is an decrease in human brain size. Some said brains have become smaller but increased in efficiency. And some said that the brain shrunk because people didn't have to be as smart to stay alive.

Brain is such a mystery.


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