Saturday, April 30, 2005

wild wild west

ok went jurong east swimming complex with filina and hui min!! hahaz we are acty quite excited abt it.....i think i put a lot of sun tanning oil until i look very glossy hahaz....den we went to play ard.....the lazy pool.....where i topple and fall hahaz off my float....irritating....but fun hahaz....

den went to play the slide haha woah~ so fun....but the longest one is closed for maintenance :( .... anyway i managed to stay with my float hahaz and i'm still floating when i came out of the tunnel....ok i admit i dun dare to play the shortest slide cos it's too exciting hor heart to weak to play hahaz....den play at the wave pool oso....hahaz we like three little ants trying to stay afloat....but quite fun....can sleep :P

oh yar...there's a cute life guard there hahaz....mi and filina is eyeing him hahaz....ok we are eyeing at the same person again........when will this vicious cycle stop hahaz...too bad min min nv see hahaz...

den after tat we went to have dinner at jurong point....den shop shop ard...........arghhhhhhh tat 37 degree shorts is so nice!!!!!!!!! i want to buy but no money sighz...i went to try tat short and feel like wearing it home hahaz.....aiya realli v nice leh....i cant get over it :( it's pink!! ok tats not the main point...but it's nice!! den go converse and search for the black shoes i want...the uncle said whole singapore only left this size (like i believe) nevertheless i went to try tat shoes but it was too large for mi....hahaz first time a shoe is too large for mi.....cos my feet quite big like ian thorpe hahaz yeah right.....

ok i nt v tanned.....sighz i wanted to be tanner then got like a new image hahaz...but failed.......nvm monday i go running with the sun tanning oil yeah!!! ok tml i need to wake up at 8 to do all my homework den i can go out with ting, ck and sk!! the F4+1 i think it will be wise if i sleep now tata!!

Friday, April 29, 2005


It's a long long journey
Till I know where I'm supposed to be
It's a long long journey
And I don't know if I can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes
I am lost and know that I must hide
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you
Many days I've spent
Drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what's my purpose
Wondering how to make me strong
I know I will falter I know I will cry I know you'll be standing by my side
It's a long long journey
And I need to be close to you
Sometimes it feels no one understands I don't even know why I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul Will you break down these walls and pull me through
Cause it's a long long journey
Till I feel that I am worth the price
You paid for me on Calvary
Beneath those stormy skies
When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes It feels like everything is out to make me lose control
Cause it's a long long journey Till I find my way home to you
To you

Thursday, April 28, 2005


woah today's v exciting and suay....ok firstly got scolded by the om for eating mac breakfast.....though i din eat but what is his problem?? his reason is like so lousy.....and i heard a lot of stall vendors dun like him.........he shld reflect man.....eq is important and is surely lacking in him......

ok den we skipped econs lecture.....den mrs ang enter the canteen den we siam from her very quickly and we took everything tats on us hahaz....and tat filina brought her drink out hahaz....den wut a coincidence the dm kept walking around there to hide from him and also hide from mrs ang at the same time...........sighz....anyway we were caught by mrs ang eventually.....she's not say very angry but we need to write her a letter which end up quite funnily written...

ok today got no pe.....woah cool man...the weather is getting far too it will be wise to swim in the morning on saturday heez!! yeah mi and filina gg jurong east to swim this sat!! yeah can play there hahaz so exciting!!

ok got disturbed by some things happening ard....some pple shld be grateful for pple helping them....though nt particularly comfortable, shld tok nicely and have a better attitude....pple are trying to help yar loh....shall stop here tata

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Mi AnD TiNg (ThE eViL TwIns hahaz kidding)

Shinhwa Rox!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Different Zodiac Different Sorrie !?!

The way people apologise and their style of saying sorry depends a lot on their personality and zodiac traits. No wonder Leos embarrass you when they say sorry while Arians will actually annoy you with their apology?..

Aries: For starters, Arians think they are so sweet, they could not have possibly said or done things that need an apology. So in the unlikely possibility of them actually going down their knees to apologise, it will be a simple sorry.Nothing less, nothing more.

Taurus: They are so scared to face others when they make a mistake that by the time they resurface to tender an apology, the damage is done. So Taurans end up making foes out of friends because of their laxity in apologizing.

Gemini: Geminis think they are infallible and therefore will never really apologise for anything. But once they realize, they prefer to act as if nothing happened, and behave normally with people who have a problem rather than remind others of the incident by tendering an apology.

Cancer: Cancerians will make you feel sorry for demanding one when they make a mistake. They are the legendary characters that burn hands and slash their fingers! in order to display the quantum of their repentance. Their repentance is dangerous.

Leo: Leos are a delightful bunch even when they are trying to make up for their follies. They will go down their knees, buy flowers, put up sorry posters.. do everything colorful to flatter you and make up for their mistakes. In fact it's fun to induce them to make a mistake and let them apologize for it.

Virgo: Virgos will first formally set aside a time and date and inform them what they want to tell you. Then they will mentally prepare themselves to talk out the same things. They will finally draft the script and read out whatever they want to. In short, even their heartfelt apologies sound like well-drafted scripts.

Libra: They are very vocal once they realize their folly. They never ever hesitate to come clean and admit their mistakes. In fact, they will go out of their way to convince you about how genuinely sorry they are.

Scorpio: Scorpios are formal and think that tendering an apology is more of a formality. So instead of just saying sorry, they will send a formal mail or send a card, whatever it takes to avoid direct confrontation.

Sagittarius: Sagittarians don't believe in being sorry or apologizing. For them, it is human to err and therefore saying sorry is just redundant. Interestingly, even if others make mistakes, they are pretty cool and don't expect much from them.

Capricorn: They can't take a simple sorry. They need reasons,explanations, written letters and the works to get elicit an 'ok, you may go now' phrase. They are hard to please and even harder to appease.

Aquarius: They are sweet, genuine and innovative when they think they are wrong and need to undo the damage.Aquarians are easy on their mistakes and don't take too much time to do their sorrying.

Pisces: Pisceans don't easily give in because they believe that everything is about perspective. So if somebody thinks they made a mistake! , it's because they have a wonky perspective. Pisceans and apologies? No chance!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Your dating personality profile:

You matched the following traits:
Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.
Intellectual - You consider your mind amongst your assets. Learning is not a chore but a constant search after wisdom and knowledge. You value education and rationality.

Your date match profile:

You match with men who have following traits:
Conservative - Forget liberals, you need a conservative match. Political discussions interest you, and a conservative will offer the viewpoint you need.
Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.
Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things.


finally e filing had ended.....ermz let mi think.....thru e filing i've met all sorts of pple from different walk of's interesting at times to juz observe people and deduce their characters heez.....i luv doing tat.....i'm a great case u all dunno.... :) ok so now my saturdays are free!! yeah!

was watching 'house of fury' in the morning....can someone please tell mi why daniel wu is so handsome hahaz....cant stand it....he's gorgeous heez....i like the show, it's nice :)

shall study tomolo......

Friday, April 22, 2005

hApPy! happy today.......ate sushi with yijun,iris,hui min and filina......yeah finally....but nt v nice hahaz...oh i luv salmon yummy!!

den meet my beloved sk!!!! hahaz we went shopping ard parkway and popular....den she left mi at 5.30..........den i have to wait at mac for ting, qi and ck.........anyway the wait is not long heez...

argh finally met qi, ting and ck!! miss them so much....bunch of crazy women hahaz...i hugged them in public!! will tong tong catch me??? hhahaz...we ate crystal jade hahaz yummy yummy........shit i ate a lot loh! i shall fast eating for mi.....but tmr dunno if i gg bbq......sighz....

i luv my frens man!! they are a great bunch of pple!! enjoy their presence hahaz.......sound ting tried to imitate mi hahaz but failed!! cos cuteness cant be imitated hahahahaz!! dun kill me!!anyway i know the way i walk down the stairs is funny but dun laugh at mi!!or imitate mi!!!!!! ang ting ting!!! i've already learn to walk better already!!

meet up soon k? sk muz turn up!! hey i want to cook!! hahaz can i????? or can we have steamboat? or we eat at crystal jade again? heez all oso can :p

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Mi AgAiN!

it's been a week since i last update my blog heez.....ok i gg to fail my econs and bio..........sighz...anyway i pass my maths *yeah* hahaz mr lee said i did well happy.....

ok today quite hilarious.....early in the morning heard someone saying tat the baby is in the stomach and i told the person tat if baby is in the stomach den the person will suffer from indigestion hahaz.....shall nt reveal the name to protect the guilty.......

den when we tried to call for mac delivery hahaz, we kept calling the wrong no. hahaz......and we were like 'is this mac' den 'sorry' hahaz....anyway din get to eat.....

den in library someone was trying to imitate mi in a v funny again shall not be revealed to protect the guilty hahaz....

pe did floorball....irritating.....din get tennis....sighz....anyway i give up on jj after wut he did to his head hahaz....den after pe got 4 idiots playing the game call turn a coin in the canteen....ok the 4 pple are mi, filina, kimberly and julian hahahaz yes julian is sze han funny...

den while walking to the bus interchange, i ate ice cream!!! the traditional type! my favourite woohoo~ den mi and filina went to buy sushi yummy yummy.........we decided to eat sushi tomolo again at suki i think....nv eat there before so gg to try it out....i like eating a lot but who cares....STRESS LEH! but not a lot oso heez...

mi and filina were suspecting tat XXX is two timing YYY....hmmm YYY used to be my friend those seasonal type hahaz.....anyway it's like so mean and bad of XXX....what give him the right to do so loh....though i dun realli like YYY but i think liddat oso not good.....i'm a person of integrity!

Friday, April 15, 2005


Have you ever written a song?*
hmmm nope heez....i got no song writing talents, i can write essay hahaz yeah rite......

Have you ever been in the opposite sex's publictoilet?*
yes! last time camp in somewhere den we went to bathe in there....hmmm....liddat only heez.

Do you like ketchup on or beside your fries?* beside.

Have you ever broken a mirror?* nopez

Do you slurp your drink after it's gone?*sometimes when i got nothing to do

Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk?*no....

Do you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper?* none. i dun take beef and i dun eat myself!

True or False:
You would rather eat steak than pizza.* false...i luv pizza

Did you have a baby blanket?* yes. heez not a blanket but a small bolster

Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?* no.

Have you ever sleepwalked?* yes.

Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonald's?* yes! and it was fun...can i hold my birthday there this year? hahaz.

What is your dream car?* ermz...dun have one....i rather have a collection of harley davidsons

What is your favorite cartoon of all time?* Sailormoon!.

If you could pick any animal as a pet, what would it be?*a cute cow hahaz...i think dolphins oso not bad.....

Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?* yes....last time when i broke my head at 6 den in red cross oso got ride heez...

Have you ever fallen asleep in school?*yes...

What was your favorite toy as a child?*barbie dolls hahaz no acty i prefer guns and microphone hahaz

Do you ask for directions when you are lost?* no....i shy....if really desperate den i'll ask....anyway before i go out i'll check my maps...

If you were to win a Grammy, what kind of music would it be for?* rap? hahaz i think punk rock hahaz

What was your major in college?* Maths, bio, chem, econs.

What do you collect?* stamps and phonecards hahaz last time now not collecting


hmm pw result is group members all got band two (including me) band one in class....anyway i think not bad already :).....was reading through the comments....i'm a confident speaker heez according to the examiner hahaz....

i pon sport's day today :P......den i went home for less than half an hour and i went hospital....i went to accompany my papa heez....he got cataract surgery today....i waited alone for him for like dunno how many hours.....and i read the teenage magazine twice.....every single word i also got papa told me he can like see the utensils faintly during the scary lohz.....imagine somebody operating on your he look like a pirate with the eye shield heez...

was watching the dolphin bay show on ch u.....nie show there but the lead actor............ermzzz no comments.....tmr gg e filing again...think tml will have less pple cos a lot of pple tot the deadline is today but acty already extended to 30th......

Thursday, April 14, 2005


hmm thnx ting for your message, i can post my tag so write here....thnx for being so sweet which is so unlike you hahazzz (dun kill mi)! and sk, i'll invite u hahaz bring passport cos it's in america hahaz....i'm less depressed :)

yeah my papa bought a digi camera for mi :) i'm so happy heez acty he's juz using his voucher....hahaz oppz.....i'm like getting more high tech now hahaz...

ok listening to sly's cd....the more i listen the more i like hahaz....not bad lar his mi :P
hmm had fun in sch friends a bit gila one hahaz but quite the tkgs feeling when i hang out with my classmates :P.....

tmr sport's day....i doing first aid duty hahaz i dun care.....cos i gt nth to do.....and tml pw results will be out!!!!!!!!! arghhhh....scary matter wut, i think my pw grp rox heez :) ok i cant stand my sweetness hahaz.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


it's one of those days tat you feel extremely depressed.....

now..tests are all coming chance to take a study tired of all these shit....

i feel so sucky inside.....but who to complain to and vent your frustration at? cos everyone in school is facing the same thing....cant really bother them anymore......sighzzz......think need to see a psychologist soon..... :(

maths test tomolo.....i really dun understand differential equation....anyway we need to learn tat for wut? dun see the relevance....

Sunday, April 10, 2005

YoU LiGhT uP mY LiFe

So many nights I'd sit by my window
Waiting for someone to sing me his song.
So many dreams I kept deep inside me
Alone in the dark but now you've come along.
And you light up my life
You give me hope to carry on.
You light up my days
And fill my nights with song.
Rollin' at sea adrift on the waters
Could it be finally I'm turning for home
Finally a chance to say, "Hey, I Love You"
Never again to be all alone.
And you light up my life,
You give me hope, to carry on.
You light up my days
And fill my nights with song.
You, You light up my life
You give me hope to carry on
You light up my days
And fill my nights with song
It can't be wrong, when it feels so right
'Cause you, you light up my life.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

mi AnD dAniEl

Shinhwa Rox!

Mi and Zi TiNg....10 YeArS fRiEnD

Shinhwa Rox!


Shinhwa Rox!

Friday, April 08, 2005


hmm ate at pizza hut today! feel v good hahaz...i ate the curry zizzle or zazzle baked tastes good.....den went for leo to watch 'pay it forward'....hmm i sit until backache cos the seats are like so uncomfy....nxt time kindly remind mi to bring my own cushions haz....

went to do inclined pull ups at the park near my house with fil....cos i decided tat i cannot let ms ang i muz train hard...and practise more heez....

ok i listened to sly's latest cd hahaz...i'm one of the shareholders.....ermz acty his album not bad....i'll rate it 7 out of 10.....hmm.....cos the songs are mostly quite nice and den almost all is composed by him....but the song genre is like the same throughout....not much of a surprise....and i tot he sound like david tao when he hit the high notes....heez....generally the album is not bad.....but the album cover is quite funny hahaz....

den now listening to leanne rimes cd.....listening to 'you light up my life' argh tat song is nice!! den also 'cant fight the moonlight' fav :P feel like buying simple plan album and usher's heez...

my birthday coming in abt two months so fast i'm one year older.....nvm hope to be more mature hahaz....anyway i'm alwayz 15 wut i always say heez.....and tat left mi with two more mths to get married hahaz....cos when i was young i said i'd like to get married at 17.....anyway filina promised to marry mi hahaz...yeah rite....i shouldnt promote lesbainism....ok i'm crazy...not enough sleep....


Who Was.....
1) Your first crush:
hmm hahaz my primary sch classmate who is now in tj too! haz but no more crush on him :P his name shall not be revealed to protect his identity and mine too hahaz..

2) Your last crush:
heez the latest one is ms ang hahaz....she's cool! ok besides her is jj hahaz oppz

3) The last person you hung out with:
filina....doing inclined pull ups hahaz...

4) The last person you talked to:
my papa....i was asking him if he can still do pull ups heez

What Was....

5) The first car you drove:
hmm probably a toy car...

6) The last place you went (outside your home):
my cousin's house!

7) What are you most looking forward to?:
11 june?? ni and filina wedding hahaz....ok i looking forward to my birthday..

8) What are you least looking forward to?:

9) Who are you with right now?
papa and mama

10) Who do you dislike the most?
ermz....the maths lecturer....whatever his name is

11) How old would you like to be when you get
17! hahaz two more months to go!

12) Where do you want to go to school?:
hmm anywhere tat is pleasant.....thinking of gg uk before....but now i juz want to enter police academy hahaz..

13) What do you want your profession to be?:
policewoman or forensic scientist....wanna be part of the crime fighting force!! catch bad guys

14) How many kids do you want to have?:
ermz if i can get married den i say hahaz...

15) Names of those children:
hmm ok last time i was thinking of naming my son 'valentino' hahaz but i found tat too spastic...maybe name him 'ah boy' hahaz he'll kill mi....daughter will call 'prada' which is equally spastic....aiya can get married den say :P

16) Where do you want to live?:
somewhere small and need to be too big cos i scared my leg will ache if i walk long distances...but not too small...


17) If you were stranded in a desert island, what
would you bring?
handphone, my family, my whole house basically

18) Would you ever kill someone?
no! i'm gg to be a police!

19) What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
ermz dun haf i think

20) Do you wear socks up to your knees?
haaz no cos it's no longer trendy ha

21) Do you like roller coasters?
no.....i scared i fall off!

22) Do you like to paint?
YES! i like to draw and paint.....but sadly no one believe mi....i got artistic talents sculpture is displayed in tkgs.....though i cant colour v well but i'm improving on it already!

23) Do you wear a watch?
no.....cant find the right watch for mi :(

24) Do you like applause?
hmmmmm.....depends for who...

25) Do you like cats?
yes....i like kittens more!

26) Do you like pizza?

27) Do you like burgers?
ermz acty not quite....cos i dun like to eat bread....

28) Righty or Lefty?

29) Do you have a good sense of humor?
yes i think so and a lot of pple agree on tat

30) What is one thing you CAN'T do?
i cant somersault hahaz i dunno why and i cant do things associated wit heights! if i'm afraid of heights ca i still be a police? i hope can arghhhhhhhhh

31) Are you afraid of dying? comments....cos i think we should juz live for the present..and cherish everything tats ard u!

32) Do you like where you live?
yeah!! i like it even more if my old neighbours dun shift :)

Thursday, April 07, 2005

StReSsEd's driving mi crazy with all the tests.....sux....

i cant sleep yesterday....slept at 2 plus....cos when i closed my eyes, i saw silver salt....hahaz the organic chem equations keep flashin lar....but today cant remember anything hahaz...nvm i give up, i shall recruit myself to the chem remedial :P

anyway haha...ah shun came to my class today! hahaz to get his stuff....ok tat brighten up my day a little....

den for econs case study, i almost fell asleep heez.....cos no air con and i dunno how to do pe play handball cum soccer haz quite fun acty...i think miss ang looks v cool...hahaz...she's v nice i like her :P as for da pe elective, i've chosen tennis as first choice! yeah gg to learn it den can play with roddick hahaz....

ok i shall sleep early today.....anyway i still havent finish my compo which i started to do at 7.....still got one more point and conclusion to go.....finishing soon....

Monday, April 04, 2005


sighz...been studying and i'm proud to say tat hahaz cos i feel happier when i study.....yeah right....realised tat i've been saying 'yeah right' more and more often....tats not good cos it means tat i've made more and more sarcastic remarks hahaz...well tats mi :P no lar....i'm a courteous person remember?? still running for the courtesy campaign

think i a bit hyper during pe my legs a bit tired hahaz....was telling yijun maybe i want to be a policewoman heez heez.....acty was thinking of tat in pri sch days :P maybe i can make it hahaz...

anyway borrowed another sidney sheldon book from sch library......seems until chapter 4 already.....should be able to finish by this week....i like to read ok!! nobody believes *sobz* esp filina :( i dun lend u my collection *bleah*

ok i shall focus on studying chemistry.......i shall try my best to pass it heez! all the best to all taking it!

Saturday, April 02, 2005


i'm at bedok community centre currently, doinf volunteering got no pple so can update my blog....

sighz i got a shock! and i'm extremely agitated hahaz....a little girl beside mi called mi aunty..............i gg crazy.....i tot i was abt her age hahaz acty she's only i think 4 or 5 hahaz....ok i'm sad

Friday, April 01, 2005

i TuRn To YoU

ok the song 'i turn to you' is haunting mi....first i was listening to it on wednesday night....last time my juniors gave us for farewell.....den on thursday, iris was singing tat song..........den today....i went parkway and it was playing tat song!! argh now i cant get the song outta my head...

hmm yar as i was saying...i was listening to the cd tat my juniors gave us....den thought of the days in started out tough and tiring....and i acty dun like it....but as time passes, our squad develop a bond....hmm and i juz love my squaddies.....den sorta enjoy it when we do punishments together hahaz sound so sadistic...hmm i like the phrase 'one for all, all for one' we were v united then! so sweet...den during talent times, we practise our songs, dance and skit....tiring but enjoyable....i remember winning a second in group song and a third in skit...efforts paid off..... now no corporal punishment....sighz....liddat where got's through the punishments tat a squad bond....when everyone doesnt mind being punished when actually one person is at fault....remember last time i alwayz forget to do sickbay duty cos i was a bit blur heez....and caused my squaddies to have punishments.....but they din blame mi :) i luv them!

okay today during chem lect, i announced tat i'm the new spokeperson for the courtesy campaign...hence from now on i shld smile more, be more polite and stop scolding teachers :) i will try my very best! please support me!

went parkway today and had delifrance.....a bit filling....and yijun...yar i think she's quite hungry hahaz...shan't explain any further to protect her....we walk until a bit tired....den went home...

the jap show 'good luck' is gg to screen nxt week!! i wanna watch!! though i dun like kimura takuya....but i think the show's quite nice! was listening to some old cds.....M2M....i practically remember all their songs in the first album....cos last time i oso got take part in the sch talent time....den mi, ck, ting, amanda and jacqueline was singing 'mirror mirror' haha the whole thing was quite a failure hahaz...but nvm we learn from mistakes...

tomolo gg e filing....i muz get more sleep!