Monday, May 01, 2006


hmm yest went toa payoh with my parents for dinner and oso some shopping....we had steamboat...the problem is tat soup doesnt seem to we are quite frustrated with it...i think i like toa payoh! it's a bustling town!! so lively at night....not like my place *sighz* i think by 9, the shops start to 9.30 the flies and insects are preparing for bed hahaz....

so we juz shop ard toa payoh...anyway i think i'll go back for the bubble tea and ban mian!! wahaz i still think the ban mian is nice....last time when i worked there i ate it once and i like!anyway i bot a pair of shoes!! quite comfy plus cheap pasar malam there too! so exciting! esp when there is like bidding or pple performing dunno wut kind of martial arts den i will try to sabo my mother when pple wan volunteers, den i will push her out or pple bid high high den i try to raise her hand hahaz but i scare her onli cos i think if she got selected den i most prob get killed first...

anyway i decided to buy a new mp3! maybe the creative s200 ba...i's cheaper than my current mp3 which is like gg to spoil liaoz...due to my lack of care :( i used to take good care of it...but when the first scratch appear.....i give up....

anyway today went to sing ktv with my cousin jasmine!!! somehow we think the sound system at party world is more cool!! cum now klunch not tt cheap anymore so i think i will wan to patronise party world more!! the room is bigger!! drinks are more cool!! today i sing till i v happy hahaz...cos onli 2 of us so can sing a lot!

anyway went parkway later on, wanted to get tops from topshop but cannot find it!! so juz roam ard and den went home!! tml driving!! cool!


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